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Jessie the Jellyfish


Year 1 and 2 children took part in a fantastic arts opportunity this week - as arranged through our Music hub service, Soundstorm. We were very excited to welcome local author, Laurie Jay Newman into school virtually to share her environment and eco inspired book "Jessie the Jellyfish".

On the back of her assembly, Abigail Thommes inspired the children child through an art workshop which saw them using unrecyclable plastics to create a piece of art and as such saving this rubbish from landfill.

If you would like to purchase a copy of Laurie's book to enjoy with your child, please see more inforamtion below. 

Introducing the new children’s picture book by local Bournemouth author Laurie Newman.

This beautifully illustrated picture book, co-illustrated with Sophie Cregan, is aimed at ages 3-7

The story

Plastic waste has forced everyone to leave the reef, except Jessie, who now finds herself all alone without any friends. She soon confuses a plastic bag for one of her kind.  Jessie takes us on a journey of heartbreak and hope as we learn that even hermit crabs are compromising by using baked bean tins instead of shells for their homes. But can the ‘Hoomans’ clean up the sea in time so Jessie’s friends can return to the reef to party and play? 


About The Author

Having grown up by the sea in sunny Bournemouth I care a lot about protecting the beaches and leaving them free from plastic and other waste. I believe we need to teach children how to be eco heroes not just superheroes! 

If you would like to purchase an exclusive copy of Jessie The Jellyfish please visit the website here and be sure to add a note in the order box about a signed copy 

Use code ECOHERO for 10% off at

Sparrow Class using rubbish to create beautiful pictures