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Remembrance Day

On Monday Broadstone Royal British Legion visited us in assembly to help us understand why some people are wearing poppies. 

The Broadstone British Legion branch made contact with us during the summer term about coming to visit Merley. Thank you to Julie, David and Ronnie for joining us for our Monday school assembly to share why people choose to wear poppies at this time of year. David was wearing his military dress and Ronnie brought the standard, which was lowered while we held a minute's silence. 

We shared with the children a BBC video, that can be found here and spoke about how we can show our British values of respect and tolerance to celebrate peace and kindness.  Julie has arranged for a Tommy soldier to be gifted to the school as a mark of remembrance, which we are placing near the pathway as you walk into school. Thank you to Rosa for being out every morning this week with her mum to sell poppies. If you are involved in any of the Remembrance parades over the weekend, thank you for your contribution.