2nd Green Flag Award

Merley First School has been awarded a 2nd Green Flag. We have worked hard through a challenging year to ensure that caring for our environment is still important despite all the challenges COVID has brought. The children have chosen Eco-Warriors to lead assemblies in class and take suggestions from their classmates to contribute to whole school improvement. Two of the suggestions from the children (litter picking and bee areas) have been included in our action plan for this year. We took part in the Walk to School challenge in October that was postponed and are excited to compare our results with walk to school week in May 2021! Fairtrade fortnight, world water day, national bee day and national ocean day are just some of the ways we have linked our learning to the environment.
We are very proud of our children's conscientious attitude to improving the world we live in and our local area. They are passionate in their suggestions and enthusiastic to get involved in all projects. The challenges we have faced during lockdown have not stopped the school community from focusing on the world around us. Our recent photo competition 'Love where you live' captured the natural beauty of the local area and allowed children to notice the wildlife around them. We are currently working with the local nature group to preserve some special bee orchids that grow just outside the school gates.
We are very proud of our 2nd Green Flag Status and will continue to think of ways to make a positive impact on our world.