Comic Relief 2021
Red Nose Day Friday 19th March 2021
This Red Nose Day we are proving that funny is power by fundraising for Comic Relief. Please wear something red to school on Friday 19th March and remember to donate to Comic Relief. By donating you're supporting people living incredibly tough lives, in the UK and around the world.
Thank you everyone for supporting Comic relief in school today. Seeing vibrant pops of red across the school has been fantastic! With the theme being ‘Super heroes’ all the children have designed a superhero mask based around a superpower they would like to have. Today, we are trying to help change the world with the power of funny!
Thank you for your donations. We are delighted to have raised an incredible £419.00 so far. We have nearly reached our target, if you haven't already donated there is still time.
All donations can be made via our just giving page on the link here, thank you for your support.